
Let's build a life you're excited to wake up to


I get a lot of very frazzled nurses who want to know, "Where do I begin?!"
The answer is, HERE, this page. With anything not covered here, I have created a Facebook community for support as you go about your travel nurse journey. 

Here is the gist, as you scroll, you'll be going through the entire process start to finish.
First, we have  links to the 'BIG THREE' must-have resources . . .

First, the legendary Canuck to Yankee Guide (a 176-page walkthrough). 
Second, the Recommended Recruiter List (RRL) with the top recruiters for Canadian nurses and bonuses for nurses (ranging from $250-700). See the RRL for more details! 
Third, an in-depth Travel Nurse Checklist to make your to-do list a bit easier as you prepare to head South.

After that, there are nearly 50+ articles (all written by yours truly, your buddy nurse, Kat Ann). There will be pictures, videos, memes, and webinars to spice things up. I aim to de-stress overwhelmed nurses while making everything as easy as possible to learn. Just know you don't have to go it alone. And you can always reach out to me through Facebook and our group there or in the Contact section here on the website. 

Now it's YOUR turn . . . Grab a cup of your favourite beverage (hot chocolate, tea, coffee, wine, etc.) and some snacks. Find a comfy chair, put on comfy clothes, and grab a fluffy blanket. Even set the ambiance with a scented candle if it helps and get scrolling! And if you feel like you are being overloaded with information, take a break, call a friend, take a warm bubble bath, or call it quits for the day. 

The absolute most important advice for first-time travel nurses is this:
Do not beat yourself up and give yourself a lot of grace. You have likely done many things A LOT harder than this; so, do be kind to yourself as you know you are resourceful and you'll figure this out too!

Cheers, Kat Ann

I am here to help Canadian nurses like you achieve your dream of travel nursing or relocating to the United States!

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The Big Three & Articles


About Kat Ann

If you'd like to learn more about me and how I started this community/business hybrid, head to the About section. This is also where information about booking me for events and where the future mentorship program will be explained. More on that to come!

Connect to the community! 

travel nursing

Section One

Why Travel Nursing?

Travel Nursing FAQ

Key Considerations working Outside Canada


Don't Miss this!

The Ultimate Canuck to Yankee Travel Nursing Guide

Learn the process for travel nursing as a Canadian nurse to the United States in the legendary 176-page walkthrough guide!

This copy of the Canuck to Yankee guide is the 1st edition (revised).
There will be a new spiffier edition & an online course to come soon!

Why travel nurse and helpful resources (with links)!

Steps including picking a recruiter, how to choose the right agency, the interview, and onboarding with the agency

Things to sort out before you go, what to pack, and border preparation

Getting your VisaScreen & state license

Getting a contract, interviewing, what should be in a contract, onboarding with the hospital,  and credentialing

Once you arrive to your contract, housing, how to get a SSN, and hospital orientation

Bonus Section on finances, currency exchange, budgeting, debt, saving, investing, types of insurance, and especially taxation

Learn More

*For permanent relocation, click 


Are you nearly ready with your VisaScreen & a state nursing license?

Then it's time for a recruiter who is VERY familiar with the process Canadian nurses go through and is ready to go through it with you!

Check out the Recommended Recruiter List today!

Click here


Visit Our YouTube Channel For Videos Like these...

travel nursing
Travel Nursing or

Section Four

Travel Nurse Agencies

Inner Workings of Agencies


Looking to learn more about permanent relocation to the United States? Here is where you can learn about direct hire positions, greencard sponsorships, and agencies that can help with relocation.

Learn about things like bill rates, agency overhead and costs, and how the agency and hospital system works! 


travel nursing
Negotiating & Contracts

Section Five


Onboarding, submitting, cv & Interview Prep

All about contracts


travel nursing
Credentialing & Prep for the Border

Section Six

Hospital Onboarding


Charting System

Job Offer Letter (Requirements)

travel nursing
Before You Go...

Section Seven


Insurances to Get

Banking & Credit Cards

Cellphone Plans

People & Pets

Car Plans


travel nursing
Once in America

Section Eight

Arriving at the Border: Getting Your TN Visa

Arriving in Your Contract City

Social Security Number (SSN)

travel nursing
Ongoing Considerations

Section Nine

Maintaining State Licenses (Renewing & CEUs)

Taxation: Accounting Firms & Options

Financial Planning & Investments

travel nursing

Other Section

Cancellations & Delays

NPs, LPNs & Other professions

Moving or Long Stays in the U.S.


Recommended Links

travel nursing

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