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Why Support Us?

Starting in 2023, Kat Ann began to provide resources for nurses who wanted to navigate the difficult process of travel nursing to the United States . . .

First came the 176-page Canuck to Yankee guide (which took months to write).

Next, she created the Facebook group to provide all these resources to those who needed them.

However, Kat Ann quickly realized, there needed to be an online platform to put all the resources; thus, this website was born.

All of these things come with no small cost though . . . 

A website & domain is roughly $250/year,
Zoom for webinars is roughly $200/year,
A Canva subscription is approx. $200/year,
+ many more additional expenses to keep everything afloat!

But the biggest cost? Time.

Suddenly, it made sense why there weren't any resources for Kat Ann when she started out. No one else would want to bother putting in so much effort for free.
It is EXTREMELY time-consuming to produce resources, market the resources (so those who need them hear about them), manage a Facebook group & Instagram (including designing posts & posting several times per week), keep a website up-to-date (including adding new resources often), and many other miscellaneous tasks.

For just one example, Kat Ann spends roughly an hour per day answering DMs. That is 7 hours per week!

Nearly every way to support Kat Ann's mission to continue providing everything has a win-win scenario for both the business & nurses!

Many of the ways to support us below come with BIG incentives (e.g. money, credits, discounts, etc.).

Take a look and see how you can score hundreds of dollars (up to $700 CAD) doing things you were ALREADY going to need to do or get anyways!

. . . And all these ways to support the business will allow Kat Ann to keep answering those DMs for 7 hours per week! ;)

At first, Kat Ann just fell into helping nurses and creating resources; but now, it has become a full-time job. 

Unfortunately, at this point, all of the work and projects that go into this side-business means Kat Ann cannot work a full-time staff job nor travel nurse contract in the States.

And this side-business definitely does not pay anything close to what an OR nurse would make in MA/NY (approx. $120,000 CAD for 6 months/2 contracts) or even what a full-time nurse would make in Ontario, Canada (approx. $95,000 CAD). 

In order to keep everything available for FREE to nurses who need the resources and community, Kat Ann has . . . 

1) Placed limits in the Facebook community to prevent nurses inadvertently undercutting what few sources there are to sustain the business, and
2) Kat Ann has partnered with several agencies, important third-parties (e.g. accountants, translators, etc.) and has taken advantage of some affiliate programs for third-parties that she has used herself as a travel nurse. 

Kat Ann

Recommended Recruiter List (RRL)

Relocation form

Currency Exchange (Wise)

Cross-Border Accountant

If you plan to travel nurse to the U.S., you are gonna need 1-3+ recruiters that are EXPERTS with Canadian nurses. Head over to the Recommended Recruiter List (RRL) for bonuses of $250-700 !

For those looking to permanently relocate to the United States as a direct hire, check out this article and form!

Once you start making U.S. dollars, you will spend some in the U.S., but will likely want to transfer some back home into Canadian dollars. Using banks will rip you off. Using a currency exchange app or website will save you thousands!

If you work in the United States, you will need to talk to file a Canadian AND American tax return. You may also need an accountant for other big questions. Let our fav accountant know Kat Ann sent you and you'll start off at a discounted travel nurse rate!

Certifications (BLS, ACLS, PALS, NRP, etc.)

Credit Card (Discover)

You will need AHA (American Heart Association) certifications. Get them here for discounts and perks!

You will probably want an American credit card. You can get one using your Canadian credit score or you can get a prepaid credit card and $100 credit if you get a Discover card via our link!

Read the list here

Read article/form here

Read more here

Read more here

Read more here

Read more here

You will likely need the following... 

A recruiter or relocation agency in order to travel nurse or move permanently to the U.S., a currency exchange system (so you don't get ripped off thousands of dollars by the banks), a trusted cross-border accountant, AHA certifications (most facilities will not accept the Heart & Stroke or Canadian version of most certifications), and a starter American credit card . . . And as a bonus, there are a few things you may be interested in picking up from or (if you are already there in the States). 

Check out some favourite products on . . .  

Check out some favourite products on . . .

Head to the American shopfront

Head to the Canadian shopfront

Consider supporting us directly. . .

We have a GoFundMe & Buy-Me-A-Coffee

Other ways to support us?


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